Creepypastas r basically internet horror stories and urban legends made 2 scare ppl ! Campfire stories 4 the internet :] They were popular in the 2000s and 2010s but nowadays they're not as popular anymore but still have a fan following but again it's not as big as it once was :'D
Common types of creepypastas?
Common types of creepypastas r that of children media (liek a show, video game, ect) ; the whole point of these stories is to obviously make u feel uncomfortable and even have ur "childhood ruined" :P
Ur experiences w creepypastas?
My experiences w creepypastas dates back all the way back in the late 2000s and early 2010s when I was a pre-teen w unrestricted internet access - Creepypastas were basically sum of my first exposure 2 horror and I loved it XD
Wut r ur thoughts on creepypastas now?
I'm now 21 and I can say that I'm still very well into creepypastas and I don't think that will change anytime soon ^_^ Creepypastas have a special place in my heart and r very nostalgic 2 me :D Another thing is that creepypastas have made me very desensitized to all things horror related but something's still do get under my skin ~(>_<~)
Jeff the killer is abt a kid that murdered his whole entire family after going insane from being set on fire from bullies - He's known for his jet black hair, wide eyelidless eyes, joker smile, and pure white skin :P
Event gone wrong is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) is abt a mew that murdered the player's/protagonist's other team members 2 b "the only one" ; Would kill other pokemon just 2 participate in battles O_O
Slenderman is a supernatural creature thats depicted as an unnaturally tall and thin faceless man that wears a suit and tie + has pale white skin and sometimes has black tentacles - He's mostly seen in the background of images w children ; Whenever he's nearby in a video, static takes over and he eventually kills those that r near him O_O
Strangled red is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a hacked pokemon red cartridge ; The protagonist start the game with a character with named steven and his pokemon named "miki" - The whole game was normal until the end, where mike, steven's brother, wants to borrow miki to his pokedex but miki dies ; A year later in the game, steven goes insane and tries 2 use missingno (an infamous glitched pokemon) to revive miki w success and strangles his brother O_O
Ben drowned is an arg (alternate reality game) abt a haunted copy of the nintendo game "legends of zelda: majora's mask" - The reason for the title "ben drowned" is bc a 12-16 y/o boy named ben died by drowning and now haunts the cartridge ; Ben sometimes talks 2 those that r willing 2 in the infamous internet chat website "Cleverbot" !
Disabled is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a wigglytuff nicknamed "disabled" that the protagonist/player got via trade ; As the player/protagonist played soul silver, bizarre things started 2 occur, such as their wigglytuff not being able to use moves, harming themselves, and "wanting to sing", leaving a bad taste in the protagonist's/player's mouth >_<
Smile dog (aka or smile.jpg/jpeg) is abt a poorly lit low quality photo of wut looks 2 b a siberian husky smiling into the camera w a red human hand reaching out from the darkness in wut looks 2 b a room of an apartment or house - The image is said 2 cause increasingly more disturbing and vivid nightmares 2 those that don't "spread the word" (i.e share the photo around 2 other ppl)
Prevention of evolution is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a shiny eevee nicknamed "EEeEE" w bloody shiny espeon ears, whiskers, jewel, and tail that murdered everything and everyone bc the protagonist wouldn't let it evolve ;w; Its known quote is "You should have let me evolve."
Cupcakes was an infamous my little pony grimdark fanfiction abt pinkie pie torturing and eventually killing rainbow dash for the intended purpose of making her into cupcakes :3
Pokemon glitched red is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a glitched/corrupted bootleg copy of a pokemon red cartridge that plagues the protagonist/player as they play O_O
Sonic.exe is abt a cursed copy of the classic sega game "sonic the hedgehog" but it's only playable on computers/pc's - Sonic in this game is depicted as a blood-thirsty monster that kills tails, knuckles, and dr. robotnik in different ways ; He's known for quotes such as "I AM GOD", "ready for round 2?" and "so many souls to play little time..would you agree?"
Easter egg - snow on mt. silver is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) where the protagonist, angie, ends up seeing the results that a bizarre gameshark code has on pokemon silver ; The contents consist of multiple pokemon dying, static, blood, and an ice cold environment 2 make it even worse ;w;
The rake is a bald pale-skinned creature that has been seen by many people throughout the years - Iconic for the image provided below as being the actual rake itself !
Ash's coma is the theory that ash ketchum (the protagonist of the mainline pokemon anime) is in a coma and everything he experiences in the show is all in his head as he lays in a hospial bed ;w;
Absol is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt the protagonist's/player's deep hatred for the pokemon "absol" and how it everytime they see it, sum1 in their life dies ;w;
1999 (aka mr. bear's cellar or caledon local 21) is abt a fictional television show starring a man in a bear costume/suit named mr.bear that kidnaps children and kills them 4 sacrifical purposes O_O
Pokemon dead channel is abt a kid getting pokemon channel for xmas, nicknaming their pikachu in the game "brvr" (brother for short) - Later on, the protagonist got older and abandoned pokemon channel and "replaced" brvr w a real life friend of the protagonist, which greatly upset brvr - So much so, that he turned into a monster, destroying everything and killing all pokemon around him ;-;
Eyeless jack is a humanoid creature in all black w the exception of an entire blue face mask that obscures its face w soulless empty black eyes - Eyeless jack is known for taking people's kidney's :P
Blue tears is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt the protagonist getting a free cartridge of pokemon blue at a junk sale that consisted of pokemon trainer blue murdering pokemon trainer red bc red killed all of blue's pokemon - After the vicious murder, blue than aimed the knife at himself and proceeded 2 commit suicide ;w;
Luna game is abt a disturbing my little pony fangame posted on the my little pony fansite "equestria daily" on april 3rd 2011 - It seemed harmless on the surface but once ppl began 2 actually play it, it started 2 dawn on them that this game wasn't as innocent as it seemed ; This game contained gore, violence, jumpscares, disturbing imagery, loud sounds, unsettling music, ect O_O
Call of charon is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a gardevoir nicknamed "charon" that was found in an abandoned pokewalker, which was found by the protagonist ; Later in the story, the protagonist helps charon's soul find peace and in the end, charon warns the player that they will come 4 them in 5 days, b4 letting out a huge scream O_O
Natalie ouellette, or as she is more famously known, clockwork, is a vengeful and cruel serial killer who mutilates her victims at night, and is commonly known for the clock in her eye !
The lavender town syndrome was a peak in suicides and illness of children between the ages of 7-12 shortly after the release of pokemon red and green in japan, back in february 27th, 1996 - Rumors say that these suicides and illness only occurred after the children playing the game reached lavender town, whose theme music had extremely high frequencies, that studies showed that only children and young teens can hear since their ears are more sensitive O_O
Squidward's suicide is abt a lost episode of spongebob squarepants where squidward becomes extremely depressed and shoots himself in the mouth w a shotgun ;w;
Jane richardson, more commonly known as jane the killer, was originally a serial killer who killed people to spare them from being victims of jeff the killer ; As of now, she has been revised to be a more heroic character, and has dedicated herself to hunt down and murder the famous and formal serial killer, jeff the killer, 4 murdering her parents ;w;
Max and ruby 0004 is a lost episode written by an unknown author - The story is about a relative who buys a max and ruby DVD for his younger cousin, and finds out that it contains a very disturbing episode that involves max and ruby's parents dying ;-;
Pokemon fuchsia is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) that was abt how it looked like an ordinary cool unofficial at the start, but was only a lie that would b soon discovered - Later in the story, it was revealed that pokemon fuchisa never existed and was all in the protagonist's head O_O
Tobias erin "toby" rogers, also known as ticci-toby, is a teenage boy w several mental disorders who later committed patricide following the death of his sister ; He was saved from his presumed death by slenderman, recruited as a proxy !
Glitchlett is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt the protagonist and their friend(s) getting wrapped up in finding as many glitches as possible - Later in the story, they stumble across a level 255 dugtrio that was pure and utter nightmare fuel O_O
Candle cove is a story by kris straub that appears at first glance 2 b an internet forum discussion abt an old children's show that aired briefly back in The '70s and was never seen again - As recollections of the show r traded back and forth, it becomes clear that beneath the show's cutesy and disarmingly low-budget appearance is something dark and disturbing, and by the end, it's implied that the show is something much more sinister than a half-remembered childhood memory ...
Audino wants to play is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt an audino constantly getting beat and physically abused by the protagonist's pokemon in battle and eventually, the audino perished ;w;
Suicidemouse.avi was abt a youtube video from the late 2000s-early 2010s consisting of a mickey mouse short believed 2 have been dated all the way back in the 1930s - It showed mickey mouse walking down a city street w an off-putting down-tempo piano playing in the background ; As the video continued onward, things take a turn 4 the absolute worst O_O
My shining star is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a female shiny marowak nicknamed "★star★" that murdered the players shiny trapinch nicknamed "oasis" bc she thought the player wouldn't love her anymore + in fear of getting replaced bc the player was using oasis more than ★star★ leading up 2 this moment ; After the murder of oasis, ★star★ than killed herself ;w;
Tails doll is a side character in the infamous 90s sega race game "sonic R" - In creepypasta, tails doll is depicted as an evil entity that is creepy and loves 2 kill others bc of the tails doll curse urban legend/myth ; Tails doll is associated w the song "can you feel the sunshine?" from the official sonic R soundtrack :P
Pokemon plague is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt the protagonist getting a hacked version of their heartgold cartridge from a friend titled "pokemon plague" - As the protagonist began 2 play, strange and even disturbing things started 2 occur O_O
Sally maryam williams, more commonly known as sally, is a young female spirit who was killed by her uncle ; Ever since her unfortunate death, sally continues to haunt her old house scaring the living daylights out of its current residents and happily playing with its younger ones ;w;
PC box 'nothing.' is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a female glaceon nicknamed "nobody" that got traded away and a male leafeon nicknamed "no one" that passed away due 2 loneliness - Nobody (the glaceon) can sense it, wanting 2 die as well ;w;
The russian sleep experiment is abt 5 test subjects being exposed to an experimental sleep-inhibiting stimulant in a soviet-era scientific experiment, only 4 things 2 go terribly wrong O_O
Forever mine is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) is abt a land forme shaymin nicknamed "skye" w bleeding sky forme ears, legs, tail, and flower ;w;
Pokemon creepy black is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a weird bootleg game in the series - The protagonist gets the lavender town ghost as their starter, using them 2 curse any1 thats willing 2 battle ; Near the end of the game, ur character (red) is now an old man that gets cursed and dies w the rest of all the pokemon and ppl that also died 2 ghost's curse ;w;
Mereana mordegard glesgorv was a youtube video from the late 2000s consisting of a man staring emotionless into the camera w a red tint and vintage windows movie maker effect - Later in the video, bizarre and unexplainable things start 2 unravel ; A rumor started revolving around this video that those who view it would rip their eyes out and mail it 2 youtube headquarters O_O
Pokemon lost silver is abt a disturbing haunted gameboy color cartridge for the game pokemon silver - It has inspired fan-made artwork and a game built on a custom engine :D
Herobrine (aka "him") is a widely popular creepypasta revolving around a ghost haunting the code of minecraft - He is one of the major community icons of minecraft ; Herobrine has not been present in any version of minecraft - "canon" of herobrine is widely regarded as the first image/story ever posted about herobrine, as well as the brocraft stream ; Anything posted after these two events is considered as fan-made adaptations/variations !
Crushed is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt the protagonist's pokemon heartgold cartridge getting ran over by the protagonist's dad's truck in the snow over and over again - As the player checked their game 2 make sure nothing was glitched, they started 2 notice that things started going wrong ; Their dratini nicknamed "ryu" along w the rest of their party were grayscale, shivering cold, miserable, and "crushed" ;w;
Bootleg spongebob is a corrupted bootleg of the episode "dumped" - The most popular and well known fact of this is that if u stare at the bootleg spongebob image long enough, he will blink O_O
Tommy boy is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt the protagonist's little sister getting unhealingly attached 2 their/the protagonist's male flygon nicknamed "tommy boy" resulting in the decline of the protagonist's little sisters mental health + other disturbing dark things O_O
Rainbow factory is abt the theory on how rainbows r RLY made in equestria (the world of my little pony) ; The theory goes: Ponies of all kinds (unicorns, earth ponies, and even pegasi) all get killed and have all the colors from their body drained, and turned into rainbows in the rainbow factory >:3
Nurse joy is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a theory on the character nurse joy - The theory goes is that nurse joy isn't actually as kind and innocent as she may seem on the surface, but actually turns any1 that confronts her abt healing pokemon into more nurse joys by performing surgery on them w/o the victim's consent, which explains y she has so many twins O_O
Mr. widemouth is a mischievous creature whose nature is to manipulate children into injuring themselves, resulting countless deaths of young children O_O
Buried alive is a humanoid zombie-esque creature that was supposedly the boss of the lavender town tower in kanto of pokemon red/green/blue b4 it was cut out of official release (Popular theory) - If u were 2 get into battle w him, he would have a gengar, muk, and 2 white hands on his team (In reference 2 wut the little girl in front of the tower was talking abt) ; If buried alive were 2 beat u, he would have stated "Finally..fresh meat.." then showing a game over screen w buried alive eating the player (aka red)
Username: 666 (also known as sm666 or nico nico douga) is a video posted by japanese youtube channel nana825763 in 2008 - It shows wut apparently happens when 1 searches 4 the username "666" on youtube and then refreshes the page multiple times O_O
Perfect is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a wooper nicknamed "shelly" that is an amalgamation of two separate woopers (one a regular female wooper and the other a male shiny wooper) who combined themselves using leftover strips of their own flesh to make their player love them ;w;
Abandoned by disney is abt a blog/writer exploring an abandoned disney resort named "mowgli's palace" - As the protagonist makes his way through the resort, bizarre occurences began to show themselves ; The most well known and popular scene in this story was the protagonist stumbling across a photo negative mickey mouse costume that came to life and asked the protagonist, "Hey..wanna see my head come off?" and began to remove its own head, causing yellow blood to come out O_O
HM slave is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a mew that was used as a HM slave 4 the player and died as a result of not being healed from constantly using HM's for the player ;-;
Plankton got served was abt an alternate ending 2 the infamous season 7 spongebob squarepants episode "one course meal" - It consists of plankton getting ran over by a bus and waking up in a dark void on a single tall platform ; As he takes note on where he is, bizarre things start 2 happen, such as: Plankton seeing "the light" (i.e heaven), his family, and realistic whales - As he is seeing these things, he jumps into the void, seemingly accepting his fate, and the episode ends ;-;
Pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of death is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a kid getting pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky 4 the nintendo ds at gamestop - As the protagonist plays the game, horror elements start 2 show themselves ; The character the protagonist plays as is a female vulpix named myra, their partner is a black and white male shinx named shadow, and the main antagonist is a zombie-fied female squirtle nicknamed "dat squirtle" or "ursula" O_O
Ashamed is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a golduck who once killed a shiny persian with a critical hit ; Later on in the story, the golduck killed itself ;w;
An urban legend claims that in 1981, an arcade cabinet called polybius caused nightmares and hallucinations in players, leading at least one person to suicide - Several people supposedly became anti-gaming activists, after playing polybius ; 1 of the oldest urban legends regarding video games, polybius has entered popular culture, and numerous fangames exist as attempts to recreate the game from numerous accounts of its nature :O
Nasty plot is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a celebi that was incredibly capricious and liked pulling "pranks" on ppl, which resulted in hurt feelings at best and murder at worst O_O
Gateway of the mind is abt a group of scientists' attempting 2 speak w god - They do this by depriving a local man of his five senses, believing that they interfere with the connection 2 him ; As time goes by, the man starts hallucinating and begins talking 2 "ghosts", b4 finally going insane from lack of stimulation - At the end of the story, he tells 1 of the scientists that god has abandoned them and dies O_O
Incinerate is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a victini nicknamed "timothy" that burned everything and every1 so that he could b closer 2 the protagonist/player and not have the player/protagonist leave him ; At the end of the story, timothy murders the protagonist/player in cold-blood ;w;
MARIO is a super mario world rom hack creepypasta from smw central user adam ; In this hack, mario is the villain and unexplainably bizarre things occur 1 after another - The hack is most notable 4 the "victim #1" image that is now found media :D
Bad egg manaphy is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a manaphy named "manafetus" that was never born, so it died in its egg - Manafetus is horribly mutated due to the effects of action replay, leaving it w properties similar to that of a glitch pokemon ;-;
Faceless is abt a lost spongebob episode that is filled w nightmare fuel ; The episode is abt squidward coming across several faceless bikini bottom citizens and at the end of the episode, squidward becomes faceless himself O_O
Little red rabbit is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) based on the vocaloid song "story about a poor rabbit" by kaito ; The main villain of this story is a shiny female buneary nicknamed "dawn" that killed other pokemon in a jealous fit and then murdered the player w a screwdriver ;w;
Timothy "tim" wright, also known as the masked man or masky, is the deuteragonist of the horror webseries marble hornets - He was the partner of hoody before helping jay in his investigation !
Lil' miss rarity was a my little pony blog/comic abt a version of parity depicted as a masochistic pony who crafts a doll named 'pinkamena' with the remains of her beloved cat opal after killing her 4 'being naughty' - Her reasons for creating this doll r her obsession w pinkemena (another murderer), and 2 have a companion to luv her O_O
Tarnished gold is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a guy who retells a time he went looking 4 another pokemon gold 2 play w/o erasing the one he had owned already - That's until the man happens to find a gold version with its label torn off in his grandma's basement years later . . .
Brian thomas, also known as the hooded figure or hoody/hoodie, is the secondary antagonist in the horror webseries marble hornets - He is the former partner of masky and quite possibly the youtube user totheark :P
Hypnochu is a pokemon creepypasta (aka pokepasta) abt a pichu/hypno hyrbid simply nicknamed "hypno" that murdered all of the player's/protagonist's pokemon and then murderered the protagonist's in-game player/character bc every1 laughed at hypno that he would never be a real hypno and "proved every1" wrong ;w;
Happy appy is abt a man named gerasim yakovlev who discovers a lost preschool series - At first, it seems normal ; Happy Appy is an anthropomorphic apple who goes around healing kids who get injured - After a couple of episodes, it gets progressively worse and worse O_O