Does Pokemon even need an introduction at this point?? XD Every1 knows wut Pokemon is LOLZ
I've loved Pokemon since I was around 8
or sumwhere around those ages :3 smth abt capturing animals and putting them thru combat, traveling around a region, getting gym badges, and expanding ur team was just INCREDIBLE 2 kid me :'D
I didn't grow up playing gens 1-3, so I can't tell u my experiences n thoughts unfortunately ;-; HOWEVER I DID grow up w da pokemon anime since gen 1 and I can say dat those were amazing experiences ^w^
GEN 4 

I remember being in my moms car with my Nintendo DS and my mom handed me a Pokemon pearl cartridge, saying dat she found it
on her work desk! When I plopped it in my DS and played it 4 da first time, I instantly fell in luv (❤ω❤)
The graphics, the soundtrack, the pokemon and character designs
........ just literally EVERYTHING abt pokemon pearl was so amazing 2 kid me :'D heartgold and soulsilver were very kewl 2 ^_^ very nostalgic!
GEN 5 

I rly enjoyed pokemon black and white and da sequels :3 black and white were hated at
da tiem but nowadays its praised as being da peak of da pokemon franchise and i couldnt agree more B)

Black and white 2 is prolly if not da best mainline pokemon game ever; Not only is there more story but a wider pokedex, new characters, new soundtracks, new locations, ect !! WUT MOAR COULD U ASK 4 ?? ^_^
GEN 6 

X and Y r both p forgettable imo - X and Y were so hyped up at da tiem cuz of how it was da first 3D mainline pokemon game, introduced da
fairy typing, and mega evolutions ; nowadays its not rly all dat amazing but honestly, I'd kill 2 go back 2 mega evolution AAA ; Kowever, kalos is such a beautiful region but is unfinished ;-;
ORAS was so amazing at da tiem but nowadays it just feels forgotten and I feel liek da hype died
down super quick unfortunately; My most fav gimmick of ORAS was being able 2 fly on mega latias/latios throughout da region ;w; Such good times of 2014! O how tiem flies :')
GEN 7 

Sun and moon were so enjoyable 2 me back in da day - I LOVED team skull and thought they were so funny XD guzma was def my fav part of sun and moon - Da ultra beasts were super crazy and wild too ! Popplio line 4 da win :P

Ultra sun and moon were okay - I loved how they brought back all da villains but it just felt rushed and unneeded idk but my most fav part of ultra sun and moon was da being able 2 go into da ultra wormholes ; DAT was amazing !
GEN 8 

Sword and shield were alright ; Not da best mainline pokemon game but wut matters most 2 me was dat it was fun ; Gmax is eh but da GYM leader music went so hard XD Legends arceus however is prolly da best 3D open world mainline pokemon game we've gotten so far :D
GEN 9 

Scarlet and violet? I unfortunately haven't played them yet as I haven't gotten them yet - I can play them on an emulator but I have other things 2 do :P

Mah fav spinoffs is def da mystery dungeon and ranger ones :3 My first ever Pokemon mystery dungeon game was gates to infinity and my first ever ranger game was guardian signs ; Pokemon ranger guardian signs is prolly da best spinoff Pokemon game imo -

Da soundtrack, da character designs, da graphics, just LITERALLY EVERYTHING abt ranger guardian signs is basically perfect LOLZ gates to infinity was ok but not dat memorable ; Da soundtrack was nice and story was alright but not all dat ,,, yk idk